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Mastering the Art of Drywall Repair

Greetings from Brush Hour, serving Halifax with professional drywall services! Today, we're shining a spotlight on the magic of drywall repair. From minor dings to pesky holes, drywall damage can dampen the look of any space. Let's explore why professional drywall repair is the key to restoring flawless walls.

Why Repair Drywall? It's More Than Just Aesthetics

  • Resale Value: Damaged drywall can negatively impact your home or business's resale value in Halifax. Repairing it protects your investment and enhances its appeal.

  • Safety: Large holes or cracks in drywall can compromise its structural integrity, especially in high-traffic areas. Patching these issues restores the wall's strength and safety.

  • Aesthetics: Dents, holes, and cracks are eyesores. Repairing them creates a clean, polished look that elevates the entire room.

  • Prevent Further Damage: Small cracks or water damage drywall problems can worsen over time. Swift repair prevents these issues from escalating and minimizes long-term repair costs.

Common Drywall Damage (And How We Fix It)

At Brush Hour, we've seen it all! Here are some typical drywall woes in Halifax and how we tackle them:

  • Small Holes & Dents: These blemishes are easily filled with spackle or joint compound. We sand and prime the area, creating a seamless, undetectable repair.

  • Nail Pops: Popped nails create unsightly bumps. We reset the nails, fill the hole, and expertly blend the repair into the existing wall.

  • Cracks: We assess the cause of the crack to provide a lasting solution. Cracks are carefully widened, filled, taped, and sanded, creating a smooth and robust patch.

  • Water Damage: Small water stains can often be hidden with stain-blocking primer. For larger water damage drywall issues, we replace the affected section, ensuring the structural integrity of your wall.

The Brush Hour Way: Expertise Makes the Difference

While some DIY drywall repairs are possible, calling the professionals for fixing drywall holes and cracks ensures:

  • Perfect Patches: Matching the existing drywall texture is an art. We have the tools and expertise to create invisible repairs.

  • Efficient & Clean: Our team arrives with the right equipment and works meticulously, minimizing the disruption to your space.

  • Lasting Results: We understand the underlying causes of drywall damage and apply solutions that prevent problems from reoccurring.

  • Paint-Ready Finish: Our drywall patching experts prepare your walls for a flawless paint finish, leaving your walls looking like new.

Let Us Transform Your Walls

Don't let damaged drywall mar your space. Trust the Brush Hour team to restore your walls to pristine condition, enhancing the beauty and value of your home or business in Halifax. Contact us for a free consultation and experience the transformative power of professional drywall repair!

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Brush Hour Chronicles: Why We Insist on Priming New Drywall Before Painting

Greetings from the world of Brush Hour, where every wall is a canvas waiting to be transformed into a work of art! Today, let's peel back the curtain and delve into a fundamental aspect of our painting process - the importance of priming new drywall. Think of it as the hidden brushstroke that sets the stage for a masterpiece. Allow us to share why priming holds a special place in our painter's hearts.

The Blank Canvas:

Imagine you're an artist preparing to create a masterpiece on a canvas. Would you dare to paint on a surface with imperfections, rough patches, or uneven tones? Absolutely not! For painters like us, priming new drywall is like prepping the perfect canvas. Let's explore why this step is so close to our hearts:

1. A Smooth Start:

Freshly installed drywall often harbors small dents, seams, and patches from joint compound. Primer comes to the rescue, smoothing out these imperfections, and ensuring that paint adheres evenly.

2. Consistent Color:

Drywall has a knack for absorbing paint differently than primed surfaces, leading to patchy color distribution. Primer steps in to create a uniform canvas, allowing your chosen paint color to shine consistently across the entire wall.

3. A Strong Bond:

Primer provides the essential grip for the paint to adhere to the drywall. This strong bond means your paint job will last longer, resisting peeling or chipping.

4. Hiding Imperfections:

Sometimes, walls have their secrets - water stains, smoke damage, or other unsightly blemishes. A stain-blocking primer conceals these imperfections, keeping them from spoiling the final paint finish.

5. Savings in Disguise:

Using primer is not just a step in the process; it's a smart investment. It reduces the number of paint coats required to achieve that perfect finish, ultimately saving you money on paint gallons.

The Priming Ritual:

Now that you know why we hold priming in such high regard, let's briefly touch upon the steps involved in this artistic process:

1. The Clean Canvas:

Begin by meticulously cleansing the drywall surface, removing any dust, dirt, or contaminants. A pristine canvas ensures that the primer adheres effectively.

2. Repairing the Landscape:

Fill those nooks and crannies, those dents and cracks, with joint compound and meticulously sand them down. This is where the true magic begins.

3. Choosing the Perfect Primer:

Select a top-notch primer that's tailored to your specific project. Take into account factors like the type of paint you intend to use (latex or oil-based) and any unique challenges you need to address (stains, odors, and the like).

4. The Brushstroke of Primer:

Take your paintbrush or roller, and apply that first, transformative coat of primer across the entire drywall surface. Remember to follow the manufacturer's guidance regarding drying times and whether additional coats are necessary.

5. The Finishing Touch:

After the primer has dried, give the surface a gentle sanding for an impeccably smooth canvas. If any imperfections persist, repeat the filling and sanding process before moving on to the final coat of primer.

Closing Brushstrokes:

In the world of Brush Hour, we understand that the real beauty of a painting project lies in the meticulous details. Priming new drywall might seem like a mere preparatory step, but it's the foundation upon which a stunning, long-lasting finish is built. So, as painters, we embrace this crucial process. It's our way of coaxing out the hidden potential of your walls and turning them into timeless pieces of art. Happy painting, and may your walls forever radiate with the beauty of Brush Hour!

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Home Renovations: Your Guide to Painting and Drywall Services

Navigating a home renovation project can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to painting and drywall services. From understanding the importance of properly installed and finished drywall to selecting the perfect paint colours and finishes, many factors contribute to a successful and visually appealing renovation. Whether you're undertaking a full-scale remodel or simply updating a room, having a solid grasp of the key elements involved in painting and drywall services is essential for achieving the desired outcome.

In this detailed guide, we will explore topics such as the role of drywall in home renovations, best practices for installation and repair, paint colour selection, and the benefits of working with professional painters and drywallers. Regardless of the scope of your project, this comprehensive resource will provide you with the knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of painting and drywall services with confidence.

Partnering with a professional team like Brush Hour can further streamline your renovation journey, offering certified plumbers, electricians, drywallers, and expert painters to handle every aspect of your project. With their comprehensive range of services and dedication to quality workmanship, engaging with a reputable company can ensure that your home renovation is a success. Read on to gain valuable insights and expert advice on painting and drywall services that can help transform your living space into the home of your dreams.

The Importance of Drywall for Your Home Renovation

Drywall plays a crucial role in shaping your home's interior structure and appearance. Composed of gypsum panels wrapped in paper, drywall serves as an integral element of walls and ceilings during the renovation process. Understanding the importance of drywall in your home renovation can ensure your revamped space is both functional and visually appealing. Key roles of drywall include:

  1. Enclosing Spaces: Drywall creates clear room divisions, effectively separating living spaces to form a cohesive layout.

  2. Providing Insulation: Drywall effectively insulates your home, maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature and reducing energy costs.

  3. Enhancing Acoustics: Properly installed drywall can improve sound quality within your home by reducing echoing and absorbing sound between rooms.

  4. Offering a Smooth Finish: Drywall serves as an ideal surface for paint application, creating a polished and seamless appearance for your newly renovated space.

  5. To maximize the benefits of drywall installation, consider working with expert drywallers who can ensure a high-quality outcome for your renovation project.

Drywall Installation Best Practices

Drywall installation requires precision and attention to detail to achieve a flawless finish. Partnering with expert drywallers like Brush Hour can result in a smooth and professional installation. Consider these best practices to ensure a successful drywall installation:

  1. Proper Measurements: Take accurate measurements of your space to avoid costly mistakes and ensure panels fit correctly.

  2. Correct Fasteners: Use the appropriate fasteners, such as screws instead of nails, to minimize potential damage and securely attach your drywall panels.

  3. Minding the Joints: Align your drywall panels with precision, maintaining an even joint and tight seam throughout the installation process.

  4. Tape and Mud Application: Carefully apply joint tape and compound (mud) to seams and fastener depressions, resulting in a smooth and even surface for painting.

Following these best practices and collaborating with a professional team ensures a premium-quality drywall installation that will enhance your renovated space.

Repairing Damaged Drywall: How to Identify and Fix Common Issues

Over time, drywall can develop issues that require repair or replacement. Identifying and addressing these problems during your renovation project can guarantee a durable and visually appealing result. Here are some common drywall issues and how to address them:

  1. Cracks: Settling or movement in your home's foundation can cause drywall cracks. Repair small cracks with joint compound, while addressing larger issues may require additional framing support and drywall replacement.

  2. Water Damage: Discoloured or soft drywall can indicate water damage. Address the source of the leak and replace damaged sections to prevent mold growth and structural issues.

  3. Nail Pops: Fasteners "popping" or becoming visible through the wall surface can detract from your home's seamless appearance. Remove and replace popped fasteners and repair the surface with joint compound before painting.

  4. Dents and Holes: Accidental impacts can cause imperfections in your drywall. Use joint compound to repair minor dents, while patching large holes may necessitate cutting and replacing a section of the drywall.

Effective drywall repair during your renovation project ensures your space remains functional, aesthetically pleasing, and structurally sound for years to come.

Choosing the Right Paint Colours and Finishes for Your Newly Renovated Space

Selecting paint colours that complement your renovated space and suit your personal preferences can significantly enhance the overall aesthetic of your home. Consider these tips when choosing paint colours and finishes for your space:

  1. Room Function: Consider the primary purpose of each room when selecting paint colours. Opt for colours that evoke the desired atmosphere, such as calming blues for bedrooms or energizing yellows for kitchens.

  2. Lighting: Examine how natural and artificial light affects your chosen paint colours, as different lighting conditions can alter the shade's appearance.

  3. Neighbouring Rooms: Choose colours that flow harmoniously between connecting rooms, creating a cohesive feel throughout your home.

  4. Paint Finishes: Select the appropriate finish for your paint, such as matte for a subtle, low-sheen appearance or satin for a durable, easy-to-maintain surface.

Thoughtful paint colour selection and finish choice elevate your renovated space's overall design, transforming your house into a charming, personalized home.

Professional Painting Services: The Key to a Flawless and Lasting Finish

Investing in professional painting services for your home renovation ensures a polished and enduring result. Working with an expert team like Brush Hour offers several advantages, including:

1. Expert Skill: Professional painters exhibit exceptional technique and attention to detail, guaranteeing a high-quality finish.

2. Quality Materials: Reputable painting companies utilize premium paint and materials, contributing to a long-lasting and attractive appearance.

3. Time Savings: Professionals work efficiently, allowing you to focus on other renovation tasks and reduce overall project duration.

4. Paint Warranty: Many professional painters offer warranties on their work, providing you with peace of mind and protection for your investment.

Conclusion: Transform Your Home with Expert Painting and Drywall Services

Understanding the complexities involved in painting and drywall services empowers you to confidently navigate your home renovation project. By following expert tips and practices, partnering with professional service providers like Brush Hour, and making informed decisions on paint colours and finishes, you can create a beautiful and inviting living space that reflects your personal tastes and enhances your daily life. Keep this comprehensive guide on hand as you embark on your home renovation journey, and watch your vision come to life.

At Brush Hour, we are here to give your space an upgrade! We have a wide selection of painting services, such as interior, exterior, and commercial, and we also provide drywall services. In addition, we provide renovation services with certified professionals to help you bring your ideas to life. Get in touch with us today to discuss how we can help you make your space look its best!

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Top 6 Tips in Choosing Room Colors and Help Avoid Regrets

Painting a room is an excellent way to give your home a new look without a major renovation. However, choosing the perfect paint colour can be challenging. It's a decision that will have a significant impact on the overall look and feel of your space. The last thing you want is to regret your paint colour choice once the job is done. 

In this article, we'll explore some tips on how to avoid paint colour regrets.

1. Consider the Mood You Want to Create

The first step in choosing a paint colour is to consider the mood you want to create in the room. Do you want a calming and relaxing space or a vibrant and energizing one? Cool colours like blue and green are known for creating a more peaceful atmosphere, while warm colours like red and orange can be more stimulating.

Think about the activities that will take place in the room and how you want to feel when you're in it.

2. Test the Colour in the Room

Once you have some paint colour options in mind, it's essential to test them in the room. Paint colour can look different in different lighting conditions and against different surfaces. Get some paint samples and paint a small section of the wall to see how it looks in natural light and artificial light. 

Take note of how the colour changes throughout the day and against different furnishings in the room.

3. Consider the Undertones

Every paint colour has an undertone, which is the underlying colour that gives the paint its hue. Undertones can be warm or cool, and they can have a significant impact on how a colour looks in a room. For example, a gray with a blue undertone will look cooler than a gray with a yellow undertone. 

It's important to consider the undertones of paint colour to ensure it complements the other colours in the room.

4. Factor in the Finish

The finish of paint can also affect the overall look of a room. Matte finishes can create a more sophisticated look, while glossy finishes can be more dramatic. Satin and eggshell finishes are somewhere in between. It's important to consider the finish of painting when choosing a colour to ensure that it complements the overall style of the room.

5. Consider the Flow of Your Home

When choosing a paint colour, it's important to consider the flow of your home. The colour you choose should complement the colours in adjacent rooms. You want a cohesive and consistent look throughout your home. Consider how the colour you choose will look from different angles and how it will flow with the other rooms in your home.

6. Get a Second Opinion

When in doubt, it's always a good idea to get a second opinion. Ask a friend or family member for their thoughts on your paint colour options. You can also consult with a professional interior designer or decorator for expert advice.


Choosing the perfect paint colour can be a daunting task, but with a little planning and consideration, you can avoid regretting your decision. Start by considering the mood you want to create in the room, test the colour in the room, consider the undertones and finish, factor in the flow of your home, and don't be afraid to get a second opinion. 

With these tips in mind, you'll be able to choose a paint colour that you'll love for years to come.

If you're ready to give your kitchen a fresh new look, contact Brush Hour today! Our team of experts will be happy to discuss your project and provide a free consultation. With our professional interior paint services, you can expect a kitchen that is not only beautiful but also functional and a true reflection of your style. Don't settle for anything less than perfection - choose Brush Hour for your kitchen transformation!

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Key Steps to a Flawless Kitchen Renovation: Painting, Drywall, and More

Unlock the essential steps to a flawless kitchen renovation by exploring expert painting and drywall techniques, and incorporating professional renovation services to create a functional, stylish, and timeless space tailored to your culinary and lifestyle needs.

The kitchen is the heart of the home, a place where families gather to cook, eat, and socialize. Renovating this important space can not only enhance its functionality and aesthetic appeal but also increase the overall value of your home. In this article, we'll explore the key steps to achieving a flawless kitchen renovation by utilizing expert painting and drywall services, and incorporating professional renovation solutions that cater to your unique culinary and lifestyle needs.

I. Defining Your Kitchen Renovation Goals

A successful kitchen renovation begins with a clear vision of your goals and expectations for the project. Consider the following aspects before embarking on your renovation journey.

1. Functionality and Layout: Assess your current kitchen's functionality and determine your ideal layout, accounting for factors like work triangle efficiency, storage, and ample countertop space.

2. Style and Aesthetic: Decide on your desired design aesthetic for the renovated space, whether it be modern, traditional, farmhouse, or a custom blend of styles.

3. Budget: Establish a realistic budget for your kitchen renovation, allocating funds for painting, drywall work, cabinetry, countertops, appliances, and other essential elements.

II. Choosing the Right Paint and Color Scheme

Selecting the perfect paint colours and finishes for your kitchen renovation can greatly influence the ambiance and overall aesthetic of the space.

1. Wall and Cabinetry Paint Colors: Opt for colours that align with your chosen design aesthetic and complement the other materials in your kitchen, such as countertops and flooring. Popular colour choices include neutrals, soft greens, blues, and even bold accent colours.

2. Paint Finish: For easy-to-clean surfaces and better durability in a high-traffic area like the kitchen, choose a semi-gloss or satin finish for walls and cabinetry.

3. Coordinating with Your Overall Design: Ensure that your chosen paint colours work harmoniously with other design elements in your kitchen, such as appliances, hardware, and lighting fixtures.

III. Expert Drywall Services for a Seamless Kitchen Renovation

Properly installed and finished drywall is essential for a polished and seamless kitchen renovation result.

1. Drywall Repair and Replacement: Address any damaged or outdated drywall in your kitchen, ensuring a professional renovation company assesses and replaces it as needed to provide a smooth and secure surface for new paint and cabinetry installation.

2. Customization and Creative Drywall Features: Explore the possibility of incorporating custom drywall features such as recessed shelving, kitchen archways, or unique ceiling designs to enhance your kitchen's visual appeal and functionality.

3. Precision and Quality Workmanship: Work with a skilled renovation team that prioritizes attention to detail and quality workmanship, ensuring that your drywall is expertly installed and finished for a seamless and long-lasting result.

IV. Incorporating Professional Renovation Services

For a stunning and upscale kitchen transformation, consider incorporating additional renovation services offered by certified professionals.

1. Plumbing and Electrical Upgrades: Utilize certified plumbers and electricians to safely and efficiently install or relocate plumbing fixtures, lighting, and electrical outlets as needed for your kitchen renovation.

2. Cabinetry, Countertops, and Appliances: Collaborate with experienced renovation professionals to design, source and install high-quality cabinetry, countertops, and appliances that combine functionality with your desired aesthetic.

3. Flooring and Tiling: Enhance your kitchen's look and feel with professionally installed flooring and tiling solutions, offering seamless integration, durability, and visual appeal.


A flawlessly executed kitchen renovation can significantly enhance the functionality, beauty, and value of your home, making it an investment worth considering. By carefully planning your project goals, selecting appropriate paint colours and finishes, employing expert drywall techniques, and incorporating additional professional renovation services, your dream kitchen can become a reality.

Are you ready to embark on your kitchen renovation journey with a team of experts dedicated to bringing your vision to life? Contact Brush Hour for expert painting, renovation, and drywall services tailored to your specific needs and preferences. Allow our experienced professionals to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring a stress-free and exceptional kitchen transformation. Request a free quote today and take the first step towards creating the kitchen of your dreams.

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6 Office Paint Colours That Promote Creativity and Innovation

The colour of your office or workspace can significantly impact your productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. Choosing the right colour for your office can be challenging, as different colours can affect people differently. 

In Canada, where the weather is often cold and dreary, choosing a colour that can brighten up the workspace and create a positive and welcoming environment is essential. In this colour consultation article, we will discuss the different colours used in an office or workspace and their impact on productivity, creativity, and well-being.

1. Blue 

Blue is a popular colour for offices as it promotes productivity and concentration. Blue is a calming colour, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. It is also associated with trust, dependability, and intelligence. A study by the University of British Columbia found that people who worked in blue-coloured rooms performed better on tasks that required creativity and innovation.

However, too much blue can negatively impact mood and make the workspace cold and uninviting. A lighter shade of blue, such as sky blue or baby blue, is recommended to create a welcoming and calming environment.

2. Green 

This colour is known to promote balance and harmony. Green is a calming colour, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. It is also associated with growth, prosperity, and health. A study by the University of Munich found that people who worked in green-coloured rooms had higher levels of creativity and productivity.

While green is known for its calming effect, an excess of it can have a negative impact on mood and make the workspace appear uninteresting and dull. To prevent this, it is advisable to use a lighter shade of green, such as sage or mint green, as it can create a refreshing environment that promotes calmness.

3. Yellow 

Yellow is a cheerful colour that can help promote happiness and positivity in the workspace. It is associated with creativity, optimism, and energy. A study conducted by the University of Rochester found that people who worked in yellow-coloured rooms had higher levels of creativity and productivity.

An excess of yellow can have a negative impact on mood, making the workspace feel overwhelming and chaotic. To avoid this, it is recommended to use a lighter shade of yellow, such as buttercup yellow or lemon yellow, to create a welcoming and cheerful environment.

4. Red

Red is a bold colour that can help promote passion and energy in the workspace. It is associated with strength, power, and excitement. A study by the University of British Columbia found that people who worked in red-coloured rooms performed better on tasks that required attention to detail.

While red can be stimulating and inspiring, excessive use of it can have a negative impact on mood, making the workspace feel overwhelming and stressful. To avoid this, it is advisable to use a lighter shade of red, such as coral red or brick red, to create a more balanced and pleasant environment.

5. Purple 

Purple is a unique colour that can help promote creativity and imagination in the workspace. It is associated with luxury, royalty, and wisdom. A study by the University of British Columbia found that people who worked in purple-coloured rooms performed better on tasks that required problem-solving skills.

However, too much purple can negatively impact mood and make the workspace gloomy and depressing. Using a lighter shade of purple, such as lavender or lilac, is recommended to create a calming and inspiring environment.

6. White 

White is a clean and fresh colour that can help promote clarity and simplicity in the workspace. It is associated with purity, innocence, and neutrality. A study by the University of Texas found that people who worked in white-coloured rooms had higher levels of productivity and creativity.

But too much white can be depressing and make the office feel cold and unwelcoming. Combining white with other colours like blue, green, or yellow is advised to create a harmonious and energizing atmosphere.

Hire the Best Interior Painter for Your Office 

Painting your office is not only a great way to spruce up the decor and add a touch of personality, but it can also help promote creativity and innovation in your workspace. This is why you should hire the right interior painter to do the work for you. 

In addition to colour selection, the interior painter should also be knowledgeable about the finish. The right finish can make a big difference in the look and feel of your office. For example, a glossy finish can make a room appear larger and brighter, while a matte finish can create a more subtle and soothing atmosphere.


Choosing the right colour for your office or workspace is essential for creating a productive, creative, and welcoming environment. By considering the impact of colour on mood and productivity, you can create a workspace that promotes creativity, well-being, and success. 

Transform your space with our top-notch painting and renovation services! At Brush Hour, we offer a range of paint services, including interior, exterior, and commercial painting, as well as drywall services. But that's not all! We also provide renovation services, with certified plumbers, electricians, and expert drywallers on board for a complete solution. Contact us today to schedule a consultation ,and let us help you bring your vision to life!

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Top 6 Types of Exterior Paint for Your Home’s Perfect Finish

When it comes to painting the exterior of your home, choosing the right type of paint is crucial. Not only does the paint colour play a significant role in the overall appearance of your home, but the type of paint you choose can also affect its longevity and durability. 

In Canada, where the weather can be harsh and unpredictable, choosing a paint that can withstand the elements is essential. Here are some of the best types of exterior paint and why you should hire a professional paint service:

1. Acrylic Paint

It is known for its durability and resistance to fading, cracking, and peeling. Acrylic paint is a water-based paint that dries quickly and is easy to clean up with soap and water. It is also environmentally friendly and low in VOCs (volatile organic compounds), making it an excellent choice for homeowners concerned about their paint's impact on the environment.

Acrylic paint is available in various finishes, including flat, satin, semi-gloss, and gloss. Flat finishes are great for hiding imperfections on the surface of your home, while gloss finishes are ideal for doors and trim. Satin and semi-gloss finishes are somewhere in between and are perfect for siding.

2. Oil-Based Paint

Another widely used alternative for painting the outside is oil-based paint. It is an excellent option for homes in humid or rainy locations because of its long lifespan and resilience to moisture. Oil-based paint offers a glossy, smooth finish that is simple to keep clean and maintain.

However, oil-based paint does have some drawbacks. It is more difficult to clean up than acrylic paint and emits more VOCs. It also takes longer to dry than acrylic paint, which can be a disadvantage in colder climates where the paint may take longer to dry. This is why it’s important to leave the job to professional house painters to do the job.

3. Latex Paint

Latex paint is a water-based paint that is similar to acrylic paint. It is known for its durability and resistance to fading, cracking, and peeling. Latex paint is also easy to clean with soap and water and is low in VOCs, making it an environmentally friendly choice.

Latex paint is available in various finishes, including flat, satin, semi-gloss, and gloss. Flat finishes are great for hiding imperfections on the surface of your home, while gloss finishes are ideal for doors and trim. Satin and semi-gloss finishes are somewhere in between and are perfect for siding.

4. Stucco Paint

This is specifically designed for stucco surfaces, and is a thick, heavy-bodied paint designed to fill in small cracks and imperfections in the stucco surface. Stucco paint is also highly durable and resistant to fading, cracking, and peeling.

Stucco paint is available in various finishes, including flat, satin, semi-gloss, and gloss. Flat finishes are great for hiding imperfections on the surface of your home, while gloss finishes are ideal for doors and trim. Satin and semi-gloss finishes are somewhere in between and are perfect for stucco siding.

5. Masonry Paint

Masonry paint is available in various finishes, including flat, satin, semi-gloss, and gloss. Flat finishes are great for hiding imperfections on the surface of your home, while gloss finishes are ideal for doors and trim. Satin and semi-gloss finishes are somewhere in between and are perfect for masonry siding.

6. Aluminium Siding Paint

Aluminium siding paint is a type of paint that is specifically designed for aluminium siding. It is highly durable and resistant to fading, cracking, and peeling. Aluminium siding paint is also designed to adhere to the surface of the aluminium siding, which can be a challenge with other types of paint.

Aluminium siding paint is available in various finishes, including flat, satin, semi-gloss, and gloss. Flat finishes are great for hiding imperfections on the surface of your home, while gloss finishes are ideal for doors and trim. Satin and semi-gloss finishes are somewhere in between and are perfect for aluminium siding.

Hire Professionals for Exterior Painting 

Hiring an exterior house painter is a great option to get your house looking fresh and new from its exterior with the best type of paint. Professional exterior house painters have the knowledge and experience to get the job done quickly and efficiently, with the added benefit of ensuring the job is done right. Additionally, most professional painters are fully insured and licensed, so you can trust that your house is in safe hands.

Looking to transform your space into something truly amazing? Look no further than our interior and exterior painting services here at Brush Hour! Whether you're looking to refresh the look of your home, our team of expert exterior house painters is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our services and schedule your appointment!

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Amazing Innovations in Commercial Painting You Need to Know

The world of commercial painting is evolving at an unprecedented pace, thanks to technological advancements. The industry has come a long way from using traditional paint and brushes to create visually appealing finishes. With the introduction of innovative technologies, commercial painters can now produce high-quality finishes that are not only visually appealing but also functional and sustainable. In this article, we'll explore some of the most amazing innovations in commercial painting that are transforming the industry.

Antimicrobial Coating Technology

Antimicrobial coating technology is an innovative solution designed to prevent bacteria, viruses, and fungi growth on surfaces. This technology is particularly useful in commercial settings such as hospitals, restaurants, and schools, where the risk of infection is high.

Antimicrobial coatings work by releasing silver ions that penetrate the cell walls of microorganisms, preventing them from reproducing. This technology not only helps to prevent the spread of infections, but it also helps to maintain the appearance of surfaces by preventing the growth of mould and mildew.

Smart Paint Technology

Smart paint technology is another exciting innovation in the commercial painting industry. This technology has been designed to change colour in response to temperature, light, or humidity changes. Smart paint technology is particularly useful in commercial settings where it is essential to monitor temperature and humidity levels.

For example, in cold storage facilities, smart paint technology can be used to indicate when the temperature drops below a certain threshold. In addition, smart paint technology can also be used to create interactive surfaces, such as walls, that can change colour when touched.

Solar Paint Technology

Solar paint technology is an innovative solution that has been designed to generate electricity from the sun. This technology involves the use of special paint that contains tiny particles of titanium dioxide. When sunlight hits the paint, the particles absorb the energy and release electrons, which can be used to generate electricity.

Solar paint technology is particularly useful in commercial settings where it is important to reduce energy costs and promote sustainability. For example, solar paint technology can be used to power lighting systems, air conditioning units, and other electrical devices in commercial buildings.

Self-Cleaning Painting Technology

Self-cleaning painting technology is an innovative solution designed to keep surfaces clean and free of dirt and grime. This technology works by applying a special coating to the surface that repels water and other liquids. When water hits the surface, it beads up and rolls off, taking any dirt or grime with it.

Self-cleaning painting technology is particularly useful in commercial settings such as hospitals and schools where hygiene is critical. In addition, self-cleaning painting technology can also help to reduce maintenance costs by eliminating the need for regular cleaning.

Spray-On Antenna Technology

Spray-on antenna technology is an innovative solution designed to improve the performance of wireless communication systems. This technology involves the use of special paint that contains tiny particles of metal. When the paint is sprayed onto a surface, it forms a thin layer of metal that can be used as an antenna.

Spray-on antenna technology is particularly useful in commercial settings such as warehouses and factories where wireless communication is critical. This technology can help improve the reliability and range of wireless communication systems, improving productivity and efficiency in commercial operations.

Final Thoughts

The innovations in commercial painting technology are nothing short of amazing. From self-cleaning surfaces to solar-powered paint, these innovations are transforming the industry and helping businesses save money, improve sustainability, and enhance functionality. With these new technologies, commercial painters can create stunning finishes and provide added value to their clients by improving the functionality and health of their workspaces. As technology continues to advance, we can only imagine what new and exciting innovations will emerge in the commercial painting industry.

Paint your commercial space with the help of Brush Hour. We are a commercial painting company that has helped countless businesses transform their properties. Whether you are looking to paint your boardroom, several offices, or the lobby, we can help. Request a quote now!

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Kitchen Painting Inspiration: How to Refresh Your Space

The kitchen is the heart of the home, where we spend much of our time cooking, eating, and entertaining. A fresh coat of paint can do wonders if you're looking for a way to refresh your kitchen without breaking the bank. This article will guide how to refresh your kitchen with a new coat of paint.

Choosing the Right Paint Colour

Choosing the right paint colour is one of the most critical decisions when painting your kitchen. The colour you choose can set the tone for the entire room and affect the overall mood and atmosphere.

Some popular kitchen paint colours include white, grey, blue, and green. White is a classic choice to make your kitchen look bright and clean. Grey is a versatile hue that can create a modern and sophisticated look. Blue and green are calming colours that can create a relaxing and inviting atmosphere.

When choosing a colour, consider the style and design of your kitchen. Choose a warm and earthy tone if you have a traditional kitchen. If you have a modern kitchen, choose a bold and vibrant colour. Feel free to experiment with shades and hues until you find the perfect palette for your kitchen.

Tips on Preparing Your Kitchen for Painting

Before you start painting, you need to prepare your kitchen. This involves cleaning and clearing the area to ensure that the paint goes on smoothly. Remove any furniture, appliances, and decorations from the kitchen.

You should also cover the floors and countertops with plastic or drop cloths to protect them from paint splatters. Use painter's tape to cover areas you don't want to paint, such as the trim and cabinets.

Once you've cleared the area, clean the walls thoroughly. Use warm water and dish soap to remove dirt, grease, or grime from the walls. Rinse the walls with clean water and let them dry completely before painting.

Painting Your Kitchen–Best Practices!

Now that your kitchen is prepared, it's time to start painting. Start by applying a coat of primer to the walls. Primer helps the paint adhere to the walls and ensures that the colour goes on evenly. Let the primer dry completely before painting.

When painting your kitchen, start with the ceiling and work down to the walls. Use a roller to apply the paint to the ceiling and walls. Use a brush to paint the corners and edges. Apply a second coat of paint after the first coat has dried completely.

As for painting the cabinets, remove the doors and hardware first. Use a sanding block to rough up the surface of the cabinets, which helps the paint adhere better. Apply a coat of primer to the cabinets and let them dry completely. Then, apply two coats of paint, letting each coat dry completely before applying the next.

Should You Just Hire Professionals to Do the Job?

If you want to spruce up your kitchen, consider hiring a professional painter to help you finish the job. Painting your kitchen can be daunting, but with the right painter, you can achieve stunning results. Professional house interior painters specialize in kitchen painting and can help you create the perfect colour palette for your space.

When hiring a professional painter, finding a company that is experienced and knowledgeable in the painting process is crucial. Look for a company with the right tools and techniques to ensure that your kitchen will look new after it is painted. A good painter will also be able to advise on what type of paint to use and how to properly prepare the surface before starting the job.

Strategies for Finishing Touches

Once you've finished painting your kitchen, it's time to add the finishing touches. Replace any hardware you removed from the cabinets, such as handles and knobs. Add curtains or blinds to the windows to complement your new paint colour. Hang new artwork or decorations on the walls to create a cohesive look.

Final Thoughts

A fresh coat of paint can transform your kitchen and make it look brand new. With proper preparation and technique, you can refresh your kitchen and create a beautiful space where you'll love spending time.

Moreover, you should consider hiring a painting contractor for kitchen repainting to ensure the project is completed correctly, efficiently, and professionally. Hiring a painting contractor for your kitchen repainting project can be an investment that pays off in the long run, as it can help to save you time and money.

Brush Hour provides interior, exterior, commercial painting, and drywall services. We also offer renovation services, including certified plumbers, electricians, and expert drywallers. Contact us if you need a house interior painter to give your kitchen a new look!

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5 Best Paint Colors for to Consider for Your Living Room

The living room is the heart of any home. It’s where the family gathers to relax, unwind, and spend quality time together. And what better way to create a warm and inviting atmosphere than with the right paint color? With so many options to choose from, selecting the perfect paint shade for your living room can be overwhelming. To help you narrow down your choices, we’ve compiled a list of the five best paint colors to consider for your living room.

1. Warm Neutral Tones

Neutral colors are a popular choice for living rooms because they create a timeless and sophisticated look. Warm neutral shades like beige, taupe, and cream are perfect for creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. These hues pair well with a variety of accent colors, from cool blues to warm oranges. If you’re looking for a neutral shade with a little more depth, consider a warm gray. Gray tones can add a modern touch to your living room while still maintaining a cozy feel.

2. Earthy Green

Green is a versatile color that can create a range of moods depending on the shade you choose. An earthy green is a great option for a living room because it creates a serene and calming atmosphere. This shade pairs well with natural materials like wood and stone. To create a cohesive look, consider adding green accents throughout the room, such as throw pillows or artwork.

3. Navy Blue

Navy blue is a classic color that can add a touch of sophistication to any living room. This shade pairs well with a variety of accent colors, from warm yellows to cool grays. Navy blue can also make a small living room feel larger by creating a sense of depth.

4. Pale Blue

Pale blue is a calming and soothing color that’s perfect for a living room. This shade creates a peaceful atmosphere and can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Pale blue pairs well with a variety of accent colors, from warm oranges to cool grays. To create a cohesive look, consider adding pale blue accents throughout the room, such as throw pillows or curtains.

5. Warm Yellow

Yellow is a cheerful and bright color that can add a touch of warmth to any living room. Warm yellow shades like mustard and ochre are perfect for creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. These hues pair well with a variety of accent colors, from cool blues to warm oranges.


When choosing a paint color for your living room, it’s important to consider the mood you want to create. Do you want a cozy and inviting atmosphere or a sophisticated and elegant look? Once you’ve determined the mood you want to create, you can narrow down your paint color options. It’s also important to consider the natural light in your living room. If your living room gets a lot of natural light, you can opt for a darker shade. However, if your living room is on the darker side, you may want to choose a lighter shade to brighten up the space.

Whether you opt for a warm neutral tone, an earthy green, a classic navy blue, a calming pale blue, or a cheerful warm yellow, the right paint color can transform your living room into a cozy and inviting space that your family will enjoy for years to come.

Are you looking for a professional interior painter to give your home a fresh look? Look no further than Brush Hour! Our team of skilled painters is dedicated to providing high-quality services that exceed your expectations. Request a quote today!

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5 Reasons Why Exterior Painting is More Than Just Aesthetics

Do you want to enhance the curb appeal of your home? Perhaps you're tired of the same old look and feel like your property needs a new one. Whatever the reason may be, exterior painting can offer numerous benefits that go beyond just aesthetic appeal. 

As a homeowner, investing in exterior painting is one of the most important decisions you can make for your property. While it may seem costly, the benefits of a fresh coat of paint can make a significant difference in your home's overall look and feel.

From protecting your home against harsh weather to increasing its energy efficiency and property value, painting your home's exterior is an investment that can pay off in the long run.

Here are some reasons why you should consider painting your home's exterior.

1. Protection Against the Elements

Canada is known for its harsh weather conditions, from freezing temperatures in the winter to scorching heat in the summer. Over time, these weather conditions can cause significant damage to your home's exterior, from fading to cracking and peeling. Exterior painting provides a protective layer that shields your home from the elements, preventing damage and extending its lifespan.

2. Boost Property Value

If you're thinking of selling your home, painting the exterior is a low-cost investment that can significantly increase your property's value. A freshly painted house looks well-maintained and attractive, which can entice prospective buyers to make an offer. 

Moreover, a newly painted home can help you stand out in a competitive real estate market, increasing your chances of selling your property quickly and at a higher price.

3. Better Energy Efficiency

Painting your home's exterior can also improve its energy efficiency. Lighter colours reflect heat, which can help keep your home cooler in the summer, reducing energy costs. 

Additionally, high-quality exterior paint can provide a protective layer that seals your home's exterior, preventing drafts and leaks that can cause your heating and cooling bills to skyrocket.

4. Enhance Curb Appeal

One of the most apparent benefits of exterior painting is the instant improvement in curb appeal. A freshly painted home looks clean, modern, and well-cared-for, creating a positive first impression for visitors and passersby. 

Moreover, a well-maintained exterior can make you feel proud of your home, boosting your satisfaction and enjoyment.

5. Prevent Rot and Decay

Over time, moisture can seep into the woodwork and cause rot and decay, compromising the structural integrity of your home. Exterior painting provides a barrier that prevents water from penetrating the wood, preventing it from deteriorating. This can save you thousands of dollars in costly repairs and replacements down the road.


Exterior painting is an investment that can bring numerous benefits to your home. So, whether you're planning to sell your home or want to enjoy it for years to come, consider painting your home's exterior to enhance its beauty, protection, and value.

Working with a professional painting company that understands your needs, preferences, and budget will ensure your home looks its best and stays protected for a long time. Brush Hour provides only the best exterior painting in Canada, so call us today to schedule a consultation with our experts!

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The Telltale Signs of Repainting Your Interior Walls

A fresh coat of paint can do wonders for the look and feel of a home's interior. It can brighten up a room, add personality, and even increase the value of the property. However, painting is not just about aesthetics; it is also essential for protecting the interior walls and surfaces from wear and tear. This article will discuss five signs that indicate it's time to repaint your home's interior.

Fading or Discolouration

If you notice that the walls in your home have faded or changed colour over time, it may be time to repaint. This is especially true if the walls were once a bright or bold colour and have now become dull or washed out. Fading and discoloration can occur due to exposure to sunlight, moisture, and even cleaning products. When you repaint the walls, you can choose a fresh, new colour that will brighten up the room and give it a new look.

Cracking or Peeling Paint

Another sign that it's time to repaint your home's interior is if the paint is cracking or peeling. This can happen for several reasons, including age, moisture, and poor-quality paint. When paint cracks or peels, it not only looks unsightly, but it can also lead to further damage to the walls or surfaces underneath. It's essential to address this issue promptly to prevent additional damage and to ensure that the walls are properly protected.

Stains or Marks

Stains and marks on the walls can also be an indication that it's time to repaint. These stains can be caused by a variety of factors, including water damage, smoke, and even everyday wear and tear. While there are cleaning products that can remove some stains, others may be more challenging to eliminate. Repainting the walls can not only cover up the stains, but it can also prevent them from reoccurring.

Mould or Mildew

Mould and mildew can be a significant problem in homes, particularly in areas with high humidity levels. While there are steps you can take to prevent mould and mildew, once it appears, it's crucial to address it immediately. Mould and mildew can cause health problems, and they can also damage the walls and surfaces of your home. Repainting the walls can help to eliminate mould and mildew and prevent it from returning.

Outdated Style

If your home's interior design looks old-fashioned and dull, it's time to repaint. As styles change over time, what was once trendy and chic can become outdated and boring. Repainting your walls with a new, modern colour palette or design can breathe new life into your home and make it feel fresh and current. Don't let an outdated style hold your home back from looking its best – contact a professional interior painter today to transform your space.


Repainting your home's interior is an investment in its appearance and longevity. While it may seem daunting, repainting has many benefits, including protecting your walls and surfaces from damage and wear and tear. By keeping an eye out for the signs discussed above, you can ensure that your home always looks its best.

Are you looking for a professional interior painter to give your home a fresh look? Look no further than Brush Hour! Our team of skilled painters is dedicated to providing high-quality services that exceed your expectations. Request a quote today!

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Why You Should Hire an Interior Painter for Your Next Project

Painting a home's interior is a great way to refresh its look and feel. It can transform a space from dull and dated to vibrant and modern. However, painting can be a time-consuming and messy job, especially if you are not experienced. That's why many homeowners opt to hire a professional interior painting service. In this blog post, we'll discuss the benefits of hiring a professional interior painter in Canada.

Save Time and Effort

Painting a room is an involved process that requires a lot of time and effort. You need to move furniture, clean the walls, prep the area, and apply multiple coats of paint. If you have a busy schedule, you may not have the time or energy to tackle this project. Hiring a professional interior painting service can save you time and effort. They will handle all the prep work, painting, and cleanup, leaving you with a fresh, new space without lifting a finger.

Expertise and Quality

Professional interior painters have the expertise and experience to ensure a high-quality finish. They know which techniques and products to use to achieve the desired look. They can also offer advice on colour selection, paint types, and finishes. As a result, the end result will be a well-done job that looks great and lasts longer.

Better Safety

Painting can be a hazardous job, especially if you're not familiar with the safety precautions. Professionals are trained to follow safety protocols to ensure that everyone involved is safe. They use proper equipment, including ladders, scaffolding, and safety harnesses, to prevent accidents. Moreover, they use eco-friendly and low-VOC paints that are safe for your family and pets.


Hiring a professional interior painting service can be cost-effective in the long run. While it may seem expensive upfront, it can save you money over time. Professional painters use high-quality paints and tools, which can save you money on repainting and touch-ups. Moreover, they can identify and fix any underlying issues, such as mould or water damage, that could cause costly repairs down the road.

Enhance Property Value

A well-done paint job can increase the value of your property. If you're planning to sell your home, giving it a fresh coat of paint can go a long way to attracting potential buyers. Professional painters can help you choose the right colours and finishes to enhance your home's look and feel. They can also paint the trim, doors, and other details that can make your home stand out.

Boost Aesthetic Appeal

One of the most significant benefits of hiring a professional interior painting service is the aesthetic appeal it adds to your home. A professional paint job can transform a room from drab to fab. The right colours, finishes, and techniques can make a small room look more substantial, a dark room brighter, and a dull room more vibrant. Professional painters also ensure that the paint is applied evenly, without drips or streaks, for a polished look.

Less Stress

Painting can be a stressful job, especially if you're not experienced. It can be overwhelming to choose the right colours, finishes, and techniques. Moreover, the prep work, painting, and cleanup can take up a lot of time and energy. Hiring a professional interior painting service can take the stress out of the equation. They handle all aspects of the job, from colour selection to cleanup, leaving you with a beautiful, stress-free space.


Hiring a professional interior painting service can be beneficial in many ways. It can save you time and effort, ensure a high-quality finish, provide better safety, be cost-effective, enhance property value, boost aesthetic appeal, and reduce stress. If you're planning to paint your home's interior, consider hiring a professional interior painter in Canada. They can help you achieve the look and feel you desire without the hassle.

Transform your home or business with BRUSH HOUR's professional painting and renovation services. Our team of expert house painters can give your interior and exterior a fresh coat of paint, while our certified plumbers and electricians can handle any renovation needs. Looking to spruce up your outdoor space? We also offer deck staining services to bring your deck back to life. Trust BRUSH HOUR to deliver high-quality workmanship and exceptional customer service. Contact us today for your free consultation with an experienced exterior and interior house painter.

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5 Reasons Why Drywall Repair is Important Before Painting

When it comes to home improvement projects, painting is often one of the most popular choices. It's an easy and affordable way to freshen up a room, add a pop of colour, or even increase the value of your home. However, before you start painting, it's important to ensure that your walls are in good condition. This is where drywall repair comes in. Now, you may not be fully sold on this idea. This is understandable as you may not have a good understanding of the benefits of drywall repair before a paint job. To help remedy this, here are five reasons why drywall repair is important before painting.

1. Smooth Surface

One of the main reasons why drywall repair is important before painting is to ensure that you have a smooth surface to work with. If there are any cracks, holes, or other imperfections in your walls, they will show through the paint. This can make your finished project look unprofessional and sloppy. By repairing any damage beforehand, you can create a smooth canvas on which to paint.

2. Better Adhesion

Another benefit of drywall repair is that it can help your paint adhere better to the surface. When you paint over damaged drywall, the paint may not stick properly, which can result in peeling or flaking. This is especially true if there are any areas where the drywall has been repaired but not sanded down properly. By repairing any damage and ensuring that the surface is smooth, you can create a better bond between the wall and the paint.

3. Improved Appearance

Of course, one of the main reasons why people paint their walls is to improve the appearance of a room. By repairing any damage before you paint, you can ensure that your finished project looks as good as possible. Even small imperfections can detract from the overall look of a room, so it's worth taking the time to repair them before you start painting.

4. Longer Lasting Results

Another benefit of drywall repair before painting is that it can help your finished project last longer. If you paint over damaged drywall, there's a good chance that the paint will start to peel or flake off after a few months or years. By repairing any damage beforehand, you can create a more durable surface that will stand up to the test of time. This can save you time and money in the long run, as you won't have to repaint the room as often.

5. Increased Home Value

Finally, drywall repair before painting can actually increase the value of your home. If you're planning to sell your home in the near future, potential buyers will be looking for a well-maintained property. By repairing any damage to your walls and creating a smooth, professional-looking surface, you can make a positive impression on buyers. This can help you sell your home more quickly and for a higher price.


Drywall repair is an important step to take before painting your walls. By taking the time to repair any damage before you paint, you can ensure that your finished project looks as good as possible and stands up to the test of time.

At Brush Hour, we take pride in our unparalleled professionalism. From your first call to our office, to when we pull up to your house on our scheduled estimate appointment, to when our painters arrive to start covering and prepping for painting your project, from when our superintendent walks the job with you, to the final touch-ups and signing of the check, we want you to feel you were in the hands of professionals from start to finish. For more information on what we can do for you, contact us today!

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Picking that right type of interior paint…

There are usually so many questions involved when it comes to design and interior painting. You have to stop and ask yourself questions about colour and how it will play with other rooms in the house. Are you creating the right mood? Also, before you even start, there’s prepping the area and picking primer as well.

Even further than that though and perhaps most important, is picking the right type of paint. If you don’t pick the right type of paint, it can really throw off the whole process. After all, you’re painting your space for a refresh or redo, so it all needs to fit together seamlessly. Also, picking the wrong paint in the beginning can increase costs in the long term. For example, do you want to stain your bricks or paint them? All of these decisions and factors make a huge difference in the long run. Plus, you want to avoid any re-dos and extra costs altogether! Choose wisely from the very beginning.

While going through this thought process with interior painting, there will be a number of questions that will cross your mind. Besides having a colour in mind, this is where you want to think about all the supplies you’re going to need. If you’re not going with the professional painting company route, there’s lots to think about.

What do i need to paint my house? 

  • Your paint of choice

  • Primer

  • Rollers

  • Brushes

  • Paint roller extension pole

  • Drop clothes

  • Paint trays

  • Sand paper

  • Painter’s tape

If you don’t want to worry about these things, consider BRUSH HOUR!

Interior painting: what kind of paint is best for home? 

When it comes to interior painting, the vast majority of professionals will tell you to use latex paint. You can use it on most surfaces — wood, concrete, interior walls and ceilings. It’s water soluble and super durable and offers protection from chipping and breaking. Generally, it also opposes yellowing in spots that are exposed to daylight.

Also, in opposition to oil-based paint, latex dries a great deal faster as well. It’s also less expensive — often by 40%, which is a huge price difference! It doesn’t have a strong odour and can be cleaned quite easily with soap and water too. Plus, latex paint is also environmentally friendly.

How do i know what paint to get? 

You can really use latex paint just about anywhere in your home. In Ontario, some oil-based paints have been widely discouraged and sometimes banned from the manufacturers. With that said, there are some instances where oil-based paints could be the way to go for interior painting.

For instance, sometimes oil-based paints work better in high moisture rooms, like kitchens or bathrooms. Also, due to high traffic and possible scuffing, an oil-based paint on wooden stairways could be good. It could be worth it to paint doors and trims with oil-based paint as well. You might find that oil-based paints stand up better, are more durable and easier to clean on highly used wood surfaces, like trims. Another time to consider oil-based paint is for metal surfaces. A water soluble paint, like latex, won’t last nearly as long on a metal surface like railings, like an oil-based paint will.

Interior painting: top tips 

We hope that we’ve helped clear up any of those crucial questions that you ask yourself before doing any interior painting. There are so many things to consider when thinking about what kind of paint is best for your home. As a professional paint company who has been in business for over years, we stick with our tried and true brands.

For us, that’s always Benjamin Moore, Sherman Williams and DULUX. We always have the utmost concern about quality, smoothness and durability. And these three brands deliver with our interior painting needs, time and time again. Be sure to use a good primer before starting your paint job as well.

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Getting Ready for Interior Paint Jobs

It all begins with an idea.

1. Prepping the Room

Prepping a room for an interior painting job is one of the most critical things to do. You want your newly painted finish to last for a long time. Therefore, homeowners should prepare the room and keep the unnecessary clutter away.

It would also be beneficial to disinfect the area to prevent paint-destroying microorganisms from ruining the paint job.

2. Choosing the Best Paint Color

Painting an interior room requires choosing the best paint colour for it. When picking a colour for an interior painting project, it is best to select a few options so you can take your time deciding. There are a lot of paint colours to choose from.

But in choosing the best paint colour for a room, you should consider the room’s dimensions, purpose and lighting situation. Painting a room is not simply a matter of choosing a colour and starting on it.

You should consider the aesthetic qualities of that room and the furniture and flooring.

3. The Paint Finish

Paint finishes are also something to consider when selecting an exterior paint colour. Before you start painting, you must consider your choice of paint finish for your house. There are different paints with different finishes, wherein each paint finish has its characteristics. When choosing a paint finish, you should consider its aesthetic quality and suitability for your room.

Paints come in different finishes such as flat, eggshell, satin, semi-gloss and gloss. Some paint finishes are more suitable for particular rooms or areas. You should be aware of the different characteristics of all the paint finishes before choosing one.

4. Using the Correct Supplies

You should also ensure that you have all the correct supplies before starting your interior painting job. When picking up supplies, make sure you check the label on the paint cans to ensure they are indeed the right colours.

Before starting your interior painting job, make sure to get all the necessary supplies such as paint rollers, painting trays, brushes, painters’ tape and paint thinner.

5. The Painting Process

There are still many things to remember before starting the actual painting process. Aside from choosing the best colours, selecting the best paint finish, and acquiring the necessary supplies, the most important thing is knowing how to apply the paint to the wall properly.

You have to be sure to apply pressure to the paint roller or paintbrush when applying the paint to the wall. If you didn’t apply pressure and sufficient paint, the colour could just smudge on the wall. You should also make sure to use enough colour to the wall.

There are many things to consider when starting an interior painting job. But if it is well-planned, it is not impossible to get it right. Opting to paint your home’s interior is a great way to give it a fresh look and improve it.

It is a great way to save time and money since it is cheaper than remodelling your house. If you choose the right paint colour and apply it the right way, a fresh coat of paint could be the best thing to improve your home’s aesthetics.

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How to Pick that Perfect Color

It all begins with an idea.

1. Use the Colour Wheel as a Basis

First, take a serious look at your colour wheel. There are different colour wheels to make it easier for you to understand.

Colour wheels made for professionals have numbers on them to help you understand different shades. The paler the pigment, the higher the number is.

However, you can also use a colour wheel made for the home to understand which shades are lighter, darker, and more similar to each other.

2. Understand How Colours Work with Each Other

Next, get an understanding of how colours work together. As a general rule, you want to choose colours opposite on the colour wheel.

You can also choose a colour similar to the main colour in your home to make it stand out. Colour schemes can look great when using a complementary colour because the colour stands out.

Colours similar to accent colour, such as the one your home has, will make the area stand out, but it won’t take away from the main colour. It will make your home look complete.

3. When Choosing Paints, Be Mindful of the Finish

The finish of the paint matters a lot. It’s the reason why your kitchen cabinets look different from the walls.

When painting kitchen cabinets, it’s best to match the glossy finish of the cabinets with the gloss. The glossy finish is slippery, so it repels dirt easily.

The smooth, flat finish of the walls makes them easier to clean.

4. Consider the Age, Condition, and Purpose of Different Surfaces

You might not want to paint your walls when you’re choosing colours. The colour of your walls will change after they’re repainted. The lighter colours will chip and show dirt, while the darker colours will stain.

However, you can paint your walls if you know that it will happen. If you’re planning to paint the walls your favourite colour, consider hiring a professional. You might also paint the ceiling since they can look great when painted a colour.

Finally, choose colours that are meant for each surface. Colours that are meant for ceilings might affect the way your walls look.

5. Consider Hues and Tones

Most home painters have a particular theme in mind. If you do, too, find paint colours that fit in with the scheme.

Instead of buying every colour in the colour wheel, find colours that stand out without looking out of place.

For example, if you have a blue accent wall, you might choose shades of blue for the walls surrounding that wall. It will make the accent wall feel more like a part of the home.

Don’t be afraid to make a few mistakes when choosing paint colours. It’s hard to know if the colours are right until they’re on the wall.

Instead, make a plan. Make sure you have some paints that you like and enough paint. This way, you won’t have to worry about having enough paint when you come to a part of the room that needs several coats.

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Should I paint my house before selling….YES. Here is why…

It all begins with an idea.

Selling your home can be a serious business. Most of the time, sellers are expecting to receive what they think is the right price but is actually an above-market price for their homes. They are usually overwhelmed with the house projects (within a limited budget), especially when the potential buyers only spend a few minutes looking into their homes.

One way of increasing the value of your house without costing you too much is to paint it before selling. You should consider painting the walls and ceiling to improve the overall appearance of your home. If you’re up for the challenge, you can paint it yourself but that would be a waste of time and energy especially if you’re on a deadline.

Your best choice is to hire professional painters! CHOOSE BRUSH HOUR PAINTING. WE SERVICE THE HRM.

But why should you consider investing time and money in painting the house if you’re going to sell it anyway?

It Increases the Value of Your Home

Painting your home can be a perfect idea especially if your goal is to attract more buyers. A buyer’s perspective can change once they see the actual look of your home. Usually, people would want to purchase a house that is in great condition and only requires minimum repairs.

If they see that your interior has ripped wallpaper, chipped paint, and discoloured walls, they can ask for a lower value for your home. Worse, these can dissuade them from committing to a sale.

It’s Easier to Take Good Interior Home Photos

One of the ways that you can increase your chances of getting potential buyers is to take better real estate photos, starting from the interior. This is very important because most people who begin the buying process online need to be impressed with how your home looks on the inside, not just on the outside. And you can achieve this by taking pictures of your home seriously.

Without the new paint job, your home would look old and less captivating. Painting your walls and ceilings will also make them look cleaner and brighter. Here are some facts when painting your home.

  • When you paint your home, you make the marketing process faster.

  • Homes that have more photos online would spend less time in the market.

  • Homes that have high-quality photos sell 32 percent faster than those without photos.

  • Interior home photos help sell a house on an average of $3,000 to $11,000 and even more.

It Creates a Good First Impression

The first thing you need to think about is what your potential buyers would think the first time they see your home. When they scroll the photos online or tour around your home, your main goal should be to impress them. As many real estate professionals say, you need to create a good environment where buyers can imagine themselves living there.

With this in mind, painting your home is the best choice you can make to boost the overall appearance of your home and thus, increase your chances of sealing a good deal with a buyer.

coat of fresh paint can do wonders to a property’s overall curb appeal. So make sure that you prioritise a new paint job so that the value of your home and your chances of having great offers will increase.

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How to pick paint colors for your office space

It all begins with an idea.

Painting your office the right color is a big deal, and choosing the wrong color will affect not only your first impressions but your company's overall productivity. Other businesses know this and that helps contribute to a demand that is set to reach 1.4 billion

So what office paint colors will you choose for your office? We have a few suggestions to help you get started. 

1. Color Affects Productivity 

It isn't enough to simply pick the right color. Different colors motivate different people. So you need to consider the type of work that is being done in your office. Then you can choose the right color or even color combination


This is the universal color for increasing productivity. It inspires feelings of calmness and helps people stay focused on their task at hand. 


Do your employees work long hours at the office? Then consider painting your walls green. It is the color least likely to cause eye fatigue. 


If you have creative types or those who need to be inspired then use yellow in your decor. It has uplifting qualities and helps people be more creative. 


Do your employees need to be physically active? Then paint the walls red! 

Looking at the color red naturally increases people's heart rates and overall blood flow. It can also invoke feelings of passion and strong emotion. 

Be aware though, red might be too intense for some people. That is why a lot of restaurants choose to use it. They want you to come in, eat, and move out. 

2. The Intensity Matters 

Once you pick the color you want, you need to think about how intense you want the color to be. A bright color is going to be more stimulating. While a softer version of that color is going to be more soothing. 

Offices choose to paint with lighter shades of blue and green. These colors can be soothing yet still bright and inviting for your office space. It is also easier to decorate the rest of the office. Using a dark shade of blue or green will make more of a statement and might be too intense for some workers. 

3. Different Colors for Different Spaces 

No color exists in a vacuum. So pick a combination of colors that work well together. Use the different colors in different areas of the office to inspire different energy. 

You can also use the different colors to signify different zones within the property. 


This is the first point of contract for everyone that comes into your office. You want to create a welcoming impression

If your reception area also includes a waiting area then choose a color that is calming. But if it is the entrance to the office then pick a peach or even soft yellow shade. 

If decisions need to be made in your reception area then choose a shade of blue or green. This will help people make tough choices. 

Training, Lecture, and Meeting Rooms 

A teal or turquoise is the best color for training rooms. It is a shade of the blue and greens so it a bit calming. It also is a color that inspires creativity and communication. 

This makes it the perfect shade for the rooms where you want people to collaborate, communicate, and be creative. It will also work to calm the public speaker during their presentation. 

General Office Areas 

What do you want the energy to be in the general areas of the office? Do you want it to be calming? Then go with a blue or green. If you want it to be bright and cheery then a soft yellow is a smart choice.

Picking a red to use all over the office may be too intense. You will find your employees getting stressed out or angry more easily. 

4. Consider Staying on Brand

For a lot of companies, it is important to stay on brand and communicate their brand message. If this is important then consider painting your office your brand's colors. 

You may want to think about the impact your colors will have on your employees though. So maybe you should stick with neutral colors for the bulk of the walls. then use the brand colors as accents. 

5. Choose Healthy Paint

When you go to choose paint, look for one that is low in VOCs. These are solvents that are in paint but get released as the paint dries. This release in chemicals causes headaches and dizziness. 

6. Don't Go Overboard 

While it is great to want to influence your employees by using one particular color, do it within reason. You don't want to commit to one color and then use it on everything. 

Let's say you chose to use yellow. Well if you put shades of yellow for the flooring, the walls, the desks, and the furniture you will overwhelm people. It will be difficult for anyone to work in this space for an extended period of time. 

So how do you use one color but not go overboard? Pair your statement color with neutrals. Such as yellow looks great with grey. Like a bright sunny yellow and charcoal grey look beautiful together. Or shades of blue can look lovely with shades of tan to brown. 

Office Paint Colors

Painting your office can be a huge time and money investment that only gets larger with the size of your office. So this isn't a project you want to do more than once. 

Don't just pick a color because you like it. Instead, think about the energy you want to create in your office. Don't be afraid to choose different office paint colors for each area of the office. 

Still struggling? Let BRUSH HOUR find the right paint for your office today! 

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